Thursday, September 25, 2008

Beautiful Baden Baden

After three weeks we left Northern Hamburg for Baden Baden in the South of Germany. After two-show days on Saturday and Sunday we loaded out all the costumes (the sets and light guys did their stuff) onto trucks, crawled into a Nighliner Bus (at 3:00am) and headed across the country.

Here's a photo of my "bed" on the bus:

there was no window to the outside, so it was very dark and rather uncomfortable. The rocking motion of the bus actually made me feel like I was one of the many immigrants who have left Hamburg by boat.

After a fitful night, the bus reached our new theatre in Baden Baden, Germany:

And I got a view (the view from the Costume Work Room BALCONY) of what may indeed be the most stunningly beautiful place I have ever been.

Here are some photos of Baden Baden. They are from the balcony in the theatre, my hotel room, the walk from my hotel room to the balcony in the theatre and of a hike Mary and I took through the "Black Forest" to castle runis that overlook the city. They certainly don't do the town justice, but here they are:

I was really happy to be off that bus...

Photos from a small river-walk that ran along side our walk from hotel to theatre:

The (ominous) Black Forest:

I brought an apple to eat along the hike up the "mountain". Suddenly, eating an apple in the middle of a forest made me think of Snow White. Here are two of my attempts at taking a photo of myself while pretending to be Snow White/dramatically eating an apple while hiking through the Black Forest:'s not like I'm an actress or anything...

The castle! We made it!!

The following photos are from the castle...

...including me trying to be dramatic, but just looking very confused...

The Great Hall!


Emily said...

You are the coolest person I know.

Also, I cannot describe how jealous I am of that walk you took. Dagnabit.

Let's go camping, ok?

Amy Simpson said...

I thought about you throughout that entire hike! Seriously, I kept thinking, "Emily would LOVE this and is going to be totally jealous of me." Although, I never thought you'd say, "Dagnabit".


Yes. Camping.