Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So I'm working in the ACU box office one afternoon last week and this lady comes in wanting tickets for the musical. She is average height, thin and has white hair that bobs just below her ears. She's very cute.

The most arresting quality about her, though, is her voice. It's soft, a little high pitched, and very peaceful. Very peaceful. I sat here watching her buy tickets from the curly-haired, oblivious sophomore boy sitting next to me. Simply watching her calmly take out her chequebook, write a cheque, and say, "Thank you" made me feel calm myself: like I was a little kid and could trust this woman to tuck me into bed. Surely I would have good dreams if she told me a bedtime story and said, "Don't let the bed-bugs bite".

I love it when I encounter people who carry peace with them like that.
I hope someday I will be a bringer of peace, too.


crackers and cheese said...

I love that you spell it "cheque" :) You're pretty awesome.

Amy Simpson said...

Thanks! :)