Friday, August 8, 2008

I Don't Know How to Speak German

So I arrived in Hamburg yesterday (Thur) morning after about 17 hours of traveling (through Denver, New York, and Paris). I was picked up by the Asst. Maniger of the Company and brought to the hotel, which is right in the middle of Hamburg (a pretty big city, by the way). After taking a shower, unpacking and an hour nap, I headed out to check out the city (mostly I needed to stay awake -- I start working today and can't be jet-lagged.) There is a beautiful flower garden and park just outside our hotel. I discovered it after getting ice cream at an ice cream stand. I have no idea if the guy charged me the correct amount -- because I don't speak a lick of German. That has been the worst part, feeling a bit overwhelmed because I can't understand anything. I even walked into a Starbucks (totally U.S. thing to do) because I knew I could simply pick up a bottle of water and hand it to the cashier, and then could see on the cash register how much I owed. Hopefully I'll get more and more confident as the days go on.

But the city is beautiful, Mary (my boss) is here (we had dinner last night) and the people are friendly -- they also walk everywhere. When I was on the street, I had numerous (and various) people walking and riding bicycles right next to me.

I'm excited to get started working today!

Okay. More (and photos!) when I have more time on the internet.


Karma Darling said...

You can always ask Morgan; she is practically fluent! I'm sure she would be glad to help you. I still need your email address: get me that and I will have her email you some necessary words and phrases. Love you and oh so proud, Allison!

Amy L said...

Yay for flower gardens and ice cream and people that walk and ride bikes. And for people named Mary. :) Keep the posts coming when you can. Miss you.

-Amy L

Unknown said...

Amy my darling...I miss your beautiful face and I'm very sad that next Monday we will miss out on First Day of School Tea, but you sound like you're having a blast and I can't wait to hear what else you do! Love you!--Katie

Dee Travis said...
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kehlk said...

Good to hear from you, Amy. Keep sharing....we'll keep praying. Miss you at the "office."